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Thursday, August 23, 2012

This Life Suck? Don't take chances with the next.

Reincarnations Control, Inc.

Don't wait for life to give you what you "deserve."  Life stinks, and it always has and it always will.  Unless you take control.  Unless you are willing to invest a little in your future, your future life, that is.

Now is the time to take control of your next life, with Reincarnations Control, Inc..  Don't wait, who knows how long you might have.  We are the leading supplier of next life preparation, and option planning.  We know what it takes to get you the life you deserve!

Don't put something so important in the hands of fate, or chance, they are fickle, cruel and cursed with a wicked, bizarre, twisted sense of humor.  They will have you shoveling out horse stalls in the heat of the southwest, they brought you this life, is that what you want?

A little planning (with a minor outlay of capitol) will make sure when you come back you will have looks, wealth, charm, wit, fame, respect, popularity, happiness, personality, shiny lustrous hair, all of the things you lack now.

There is no point in spending your next life toiling in a dead end job, living in a hovel, friendless, ridiculed, scoffed at, discarded, ignored, struggling to scrape together enough for a decent funeral, that nobody will attend. You tried that in this life, and look how miserable it made you.

Remember our motto, "Don't let your next life suck as much as this one!"

Reincarnations Control, Inc. a division of Kraft Food.