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Friday, January 25, 2019

Winners Help Clean Up.

Suppose you woke up tomorrow, your first cup of coffee steams on the table beside you, the paper sits in your lap.  A perfect morning as you open to the front page. Now, imagine if the first article you see is a huge announcement from mega corporation Coca Cola*. They are going to stop using plastic. No more plastic bottles, no more six pack rings, everything will be biodegradable and made from renewable materials. You would think that was significant, or you might need more coffee.

Now, imagine if they claimed, mega corporation Coca Cola**, they were going to hire an army of janitors to go out and clean up the world. They were going to send people into forests onto beaches, into cities to pick up all the trash. You would think it was fantastic. Or you might worry that you had too much coffee. And it would be fantastic, and there may not be any way to drink too much coffee, so don’t worry about that.

As fantastic as that would be it ain’t gonna happen, not in a million years. Despite the ruling of the Supreme Court corporations are not people. Sure they are huge collections of people, dissimilar people, many of whom have only one common goal. Making Money. Lots of money. And mostly they are not too concerned with the consequences of their actions, unless it affects profits. And committing to renewable resources and hiring people to clean the planet is liable to alter the bottom line in a bad way.

So, it is up to people, working in small groups, or individually, to clean up the planet. A thankless task, with little reward, unless you count a cleaner world as enough incentive.

But, (and here is the good part) the owners of a small, private Yoga shop in Berlin have decided to tackle the hopeless, impossible task of cleaning the world. Sure, they can’t afford to hire an army of mercenary custodians, but they are giving you a chance to earn a reward. All you have to do is pick up some trash and have someone snap a photo of you doing it. Post the photo on Instagram using the hash tag #littlebylittlecleanup and tag @littlebylittlecleanup and you are entered for some great prizes.

Imagine that, you might win something for doing the right thing. Wow. How cool is that? Very cool! As an added bonus I will write a glowing testimonial to your outstanding efforts (suitable for framing), right here on Life Explained. I will make you sound better than you are, even if I have to lie. So, what do you have to lose? Get out there and pick up some plastic and take a picture. You might be the big winner, we might all be the big winner.

*It could be any mega corporation, I just like Coke products so I am throwing a little advertising their way. You can insert your favorite mega corporation. If you are reading this Coca Cola let me know and I will send you my PayPal information.

** Or the mega corporation of your choice.

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