Though, that seems a little convenient, a little too easy, "oh sure, it is nothing to worry about, it's not really a Blood Moon, we just call it that, because it was the most pleasant image we could possibly imagine. It has nothing to do with ritual slaughter, pagan sacrifice, or boundless, unimaginable bloodshed, and violence. It's just a name, that's all."
Then, just when it seemed it couldn't get any weirder, this morning the whole moon was swallowed by a giant shadow. Of course, they have another trite, easy answer for that, "the Earth was between the sun and the moon." Look, we are no experts, but everybody knows space is a big place, with a lot of extra room. Somehow we managed to drive our relatively small planet between the only two things that any reasonably sane person can actually name in the vast, infinite expanses of the sky? Do you take us for fools? That would be like two golf balls, hit by two different golfers on two separate holes running into each other, and landing in a birds nest. Which, as far as we know, has never happened.

This fearless associate finds no task too difficult, no risk too great, no challenge too daunting. He is the right agent, at the right time, and we are all in his debt.
We should have the real answer, the unvarnished truth, in a couple of days.
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