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Monday, April 30, 2018

Learning, living, loving and aging.

Occasionally I like to watch the IBM Watson commercial with Bob Dylan.It is easy to find on YouTube.

It reminds me of the power of language. Dylan is a master with words. His lyrics are so profound, have meant so much to so many. But, when it comes down to it, time passes and love fades. What else is there?

No matter what you write those themes are probably in there somewhere.  And really, those are all you need if you consider how much your life has changed since you first started paying attention, everything noteworthy can be summed up in those simple statements.

Time passes, and it goes fast, or it goes slow, sometimes it goes so slowly it doesn't seem to be passing at all. But, it does, and those times are a story all their own. Those times are often the best stories, the stories I look for.

"Some of these memories you can learn to live
with and some of them you can't"
And, love fades. There is nothing that burns so bright, so hot, as love. It has to fade or it would
consume you. Passion is replaced by fondness. Lusty, untrammeled obsession gives way to a comfortable need, that owes more to gentle caresses than anything carnal. And those are the stories I look for. The time tested attraction of people growing old together.

I look for hope and life, love and meaning in everything. Dylan taught me to do that. So, if you have a story tell it, and I will add it here. I think it will help people who need to know things change, but that is ok.

Dylan is a genius. His words have given hope, inspiration, pain to generations. I'm not sure he understands his importance in the world. And his overwhelming message, to me anyway is "the only thing I knew how to do was to keep on keeping on."

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