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Sunday, October 12, 2014

500, read and 'em weep, but please weep quietly.

Yesterday I posted my 500th entry in this humble blog.  Five hundred is a big number, a lot of words, and some investment of time, not always a lot of thought, or any real ideas, but plenty of..., well I don't know what, but there is plenty of it.

Looking back it is still uncertain what drove that first post, so many months ago.  And I can't really say why I keep typing.  I guess, maybe, I had something to say, and maybe I still do.  Maybe, maybe I just like the idea of other people reading the things I wrote, and maybe I am just too stubborn to stop, who knows.

It seems like I should do something celebratory, something significant, but, like my reasons for starting and staying, what that would be escapes me.  We are going to a pot luck dinner at our neighbors house this evening, I might pretend that is all in honor of 500!  I will do that on surreptitiously, taking a few pictures, and acting like they are all there praising my talent, or at least my endurance.  Look for pictures here, with embellished banners and speech bubbles, later.

I have been considering changing platforms lately, maybe Wordpress, or something similar, mostly because I have a new computer, (a Surface Pro 3) and in Microsoft Word there is an option to write, format and publish my blog posts, but I can not figure out how to use the picture server to work.  (I have a Flickr, Photobucket, and Picasa account in case any of you technical wizards have any insights.)  But, at 500 I am not sure I want to change.

Recently I have started submitting work to Lefty Pop, and, and they are tied at two published submissions each, so stay tuned for updates.

That covers the past, for the most part.  Now, I need to start working on the future, and that is pretty cool.

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