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Monday, February 2, 2015

Post Super Bowl Legal Team. Your Chance for Revenge.

Another Super Bowl come and gone.  Another team being cheered as world champions, another team glorified for winning.  There will probably be a celebration, and maybe a parade, possibly a visit to the White House.  What about the losers, though.  Nobody thinks about the trauma, the emotional scarring, the rancorous, terrible, stigma attached to the losing team.  Until Now.

We here at Dawg, Dog, and Stanley, LLP, Inc. are ready to help the Seahawks in their long, painful struggle
to regain some semblance of their former selves.  We want to help heal the deep, emotional anguish that haunts their dreams.

And, there is no better way to do this than big piles of cash.  Enough money that they can roll around in enormous piles of hundred dollar bills, bath in tubs full of the delightful stuff.

Why limit it to the Seahawks, though, think about the terrible scarring that the poor Indianapolis Colts have endured.  And the Panthers, sorry, we are not sure where they are from, but they are filled with self loathing, and doubt.  And the only way to make them whole is money.

Really, think of the long season that preceded the playoffs, a veritable row of pain, suffering and torment.  There were probably coaches fired, players cut, and lives ruined.  All because of the evil, cursed New England Patriots.  We are looking at a class action lawsuit, here.

If you were a member of a team that was humiliated by the New England Patriots, or a fan of a team shamed by them, or just want to get a little cut of the pie, contact the Legal Team at Dawg, Dog, and Stanley, LLP.

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