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Sunday, August 24, 2014

It isn't a three day weekend, yet.

Sunday, and Labor Day is a whole week away.  Which means a whole week full of work days, and blaring, intrusive alarm clocks, endless toil, backbreaking work, hurried lunches, and coffee slammed down between everyday demands and turmoil. Ah, the joys of gainful employment.

Tomorrow we will wake to the delightful sounds of whatever song, or commercial, or painful, agonizing white noise is on the radio at 4:55 in the morning, and plod, zombie fashion, toward the coffee and Diet Coke, thank you kind fates for caffeine, to start our week of indentured servitude.  We are beholden to the companies who own part of our house, bits of our cars, the organizations that provide our water and electricity, and natural gas.  Also we are deeply indebted to several suppliers of groceries, deeply indebted.

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are scheduled to provide the same torture.  Time drags, expectations are lowered until all a person can hope for is arriving safely at home at the end of the day.  An infinite loop, endless torture, and responsibility.  Ah, the joys of painful employment.  

Saturday, ah the joyous, wondrous, delight of Saturday, the first day of a three day weekend.  Labor day, you beautiful, glorious creation of man kind.  The origins of Labor Day are lost in the lore of ancient Washington, but it is widely believed to have been a gift from the gods of time management, and labor allocation.  But, nobody really cares, a paid day off is all that anybody cares about.

It is the first weekend of college football season, and the Cornhuskers are on television, and that is another gift from on high. Go Big Red!

There are rumors of cold beer, smoked ribs, coleslaw, and garlic toast, unsubstantiated as yet, but they are from a highly placed source.  It depends on the grocery store sales, stay tuned for updates.

Plus, there is an expedition to the Outlet Mall in the works for Saturday, and a new video editing app on the Microsoft Surface Pro 3, a powerful, intoxicating combination (sometimes even I feel sorry for my wife).  Life on the move at the outlet mall, with musical accompaniment, this could be the biggest thing since the moon landing!

Life is so good, I can't wait to het to work tomorrow.

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