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Tuesday, November 3, 2015

It was a dark day

It was a dark day indeed that for some reason Tim offered me access to his blog. Perhaps he clicked the wrong button, we shall never know.  But ultimately this is a moot point, because he did.

The team over at The Blog of Thog got together over a round of ale to discuss what we should blog about.  Clarence was rather keen on a tub-thumping piece about just how wonderful the UK is, until it was suggested that he might like to write a draft, and then he rather went off the idea.

Next was Minnie, who suggested a blog promoting equality and diversity.  This all sounded jolly interesting, but was laid to rest when the gang realised that none of them really knew what equality or diversity was.

Finally Ernest hit upon the idea of a piece saying about the mysteries of England.  Apparently there is over 3,000 deserted medieval villages in England, For example, Ravenser Odd, which was quite an important port in the thirteenth century, until the sand that it was built on shifted and over time the town fell into the North Sea.

So, Ernest went off to explore England, and to bring back knowledge.

We're still waiting for him to come back.

Mike blogs at The Blog of Thog when not asleep or watching TV.

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