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Thursday, February 8, 2018

Winter Olympics

I am not a big fan of the olympics. I admire the dedication and ability of the athletes, the years of sacrifice, and work that it took to reach that level, and the dignity and composure these children display carrying the crushing expectations of an entire nation. I salute them. But, the olympics have been consumed by the human instinct for futile gestures, and shameless grandstanding. Boycotts, and threats steal the spotlight from the unity these games are supposed to forge.

Watching Vice President Pence practicing his own brand of old testament diplomacy in South Korea is only the latest example. Of course, considering how Mr. Pence felt so strongly players should not  kneel for the national anthem before football games because sports events is not the correct forum for political expressions only adds a comic touch to the drama. Of course, it fires up the faithful, they love the confrontation, the bulldog tenacity, the line in the sand mentality. 

But, what is the next step. Suppose the oppressive regime continues to ignore the constant warnings and threats, which, given the history of North Korea seems likely, what then? Tougher warnings? More strident speeches? An even steelier glare across the border, from a vice president wearing a flight jacket emblazoned with military insignia? Bombing sorties? Invasion of a sovereign country? 

Nobody wins wars anymore. And this is not a conspiracy theory based on the profit margins of General Dynamics or Grumman Aircraft. It is the only conclusion to be made from recent history. Certainly everybody will lose if nuclear weapons are used, that much is obvious to anybody. So what point overshadowing the games with bluster?  

George Orwell said “Every war when it comes, or before it comes, is represented not as a war but as an act of self-defense against a homicidal maniac.” Maybe that is the point, maybe that was the play all along. Either way, it makes me sad to see the world sink so deeply into the past. 

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