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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Tax Day, it Just Keeps Happening.

Today is tax day, every day is tax day, really. Even if you aren't working, paying income tax, or buying something and paying sales tax you are living somewhere and paying property tax, or driving in a car, eating something, drinking something, maybe having a smoke, and brother you paid some serious taxes on that. But, everything you do feeds the monster, whether it is the village, city, state or federal government. They all want their part of your little pie.

Recently I watched, with great amusement, representatives of congress grill Mark Zuckerberg on the sins of omission committed by Facebook management, and their lackeys. I will be honest here, I don't really know what happened, I have read a few things, and still don't understand the implications, or the methods the company used to mine the data. From what little I have been able to learn a lot of it has to do with third party applications, and the information was used to influence voters. I suppose that is probably not a good idea.

Voters have enough misinformation coming from the candidates themselves, the PACs, the political parties, churches, labor unions, friends, neighbors and coworkers. Maybe that is what bothers our elected representatives so much. Lying to voters is their job. If somebody else can step in and lie so much more convincingly maybe we won't need them anymore.

Senator Lindsey Graham confronted Mr. Zuckerberg about how he, Senator Graham, should attempt to convince his constituents that Facebook does not need government regulation and oversight.

I almost laughed out loud, here was clearly a case of the hopelessly unregulated calling the under regulated lawless, if you get my drift. 

We keep paying taxes on everything, we keep seeing our government turn it's back on us, the voters, we keep seeing the things get worse, the environment, the economic situation, the opportunities. And now we should worry about the regulations on Facebook.

Look, I don't know much about Facebook, why I see somethings and not others. And, I certainly know nothing about governing, but when it comes to a monstrous, out of control bureaucracy running amuck, smashing through peoples lives, with no oversight, control or moral compass I will take my chances on Facebook.

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