It was new, and being a little (or a lot) flaky made it uncomfortable. "Sweating with the strangers." But, I didn't give up. Week after week I would drag myself, sometimes unwillingly, to the small gym, and exercise. Soon, it became a treat, recreation. With a slight change in diet (mostly just more fruit, vegetables, and water) I started making real progress. Clothes that hadn't fit for a long time were comfortable, I felt better, happier, and I was hooked.
Then, I started reading the Health Whacko, and +Jeremy Crow's advice on exercise, and +Rachel Rennie's encouraging posts on determination, and choices, and the benefits were immediate, and manifold.
Now walking into the gym is fun, and walking out brings a sense of accomplishment. Of course, there are people who will try to lessen the experience by talking about the terrible experience, or injury they had working out. Or criticize the gym (it is small) and its lack of equipment. But, I don't care. My doctor actually smiled when he heard about the new routine. And there are many people who say "I wish I had time to work out," and I just tell them "so do I" but I leave off the part about how they might not be such a jerk. That wouldn't help.
If you are even considering beginning to exercise, do it. But first subscribe to the Health Whacko, it is a constant source of technique and encouragement.
Here a brief video tour of my gym.* I didn't snap any photo's of the weight area, as there were several girls in workout clothes, and it might have been uncomfortable for all of us. I will add those later. So thank you Jeremy, and Rachel, I am happy to say I, too, am a Health Whacko.
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