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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Breakfast for the soul.

Recently a friend, and faithful reader, and on the ground reporter, and a person who should probably consider writing a guest post sent me this picture. It was her breakfast, and it had formed into the Yin Yang symbol. She was curious to know why this had happened and if it held any significance. Since, diving into the difficult, where angels fear to tread, we agreed to find out. Turns out that Eastern Philosophy and symbolism is very difficult, and easy to misinterpret, but hey, that never bothered us before, right?

Yin Yang represents the forces of life held in balance. Good, evil, life death, whites, yolks, toast, butter, bacons, eggs (we are still trying to balance the marmalade with something, we knew this was not going to be easy). Obviously, this is a very good sign for our friend, reporter, and an amazingly talented and artistic chef, in her own right.

We asked several experts in Eastern Philosophy, and they all said the same thing, "c'mon, you're not trying to convince that me she was actually up in time for breakfast, seriously.  What kind of fool do you take me for?"

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. It is possible to have breakfast at 11am you know...

  2. Breakfast, it's not just for breakfast anymore.
