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Sunday, September 8, 2013

Lions, (really, just one) But, No Tigers, or Bears.

In a Buckeye Lake, Ohio neighborhood called Fairfield Beach there is a couple who owns a lion.  Someone thought it would be funny to break the locks on the cage, and leave a trail of "cooked ribs and chicken giblets."  There was no word on how the giblets were prepared.  Since lions are known to be carnivorous, and ravenous, the lion left the cage and grabbed a snack.

Ownership of exotic animals is a very serious matter in Ohio.  There was a man in Zanesville who owned several large, dangerous animals, and let them go, and people were mad, so mad they demanded action.  Acting quickly and authoritatively the state  government passed a law saying if you owned large, dangerous animals you had to register them, microchip them and could not let them go.

Not everyone is so well versed in the law as we here at Life Explained and some unknown ne'er do well loosed the lion on an unsuspecting neighborhood. Being a cat the lion found a sunny place to lay down, in a neighbors yard.  Where the neighbors saw the lion and called the authorities.

Since Ohio is so wary of wild animals, the police acted quickly and, according to the Columbus Dispatch "within about a half hour six deputies, and a wildlife officer swarmed the quiet neighborhood."  Fortunately, quiet, rural neighborhoods and their lions move at a slower pace, so the lion was still anticipating it's next move.

Which turned out to be walking slowly back up the street to its house, where the owners boyfriend put it on a leash and led it back to the cage.  

Another potential disaster avoided by the quick action of our law enforcement officers, and a lion owners boyfriend.

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