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Friday, October 17, 2014

A brief update.

We, here at Life Explained, have been very busy.  So busy, in fact, that, when typing emails I have not had time to use punctuation.  Don't worry though, I end every email with the disclaimer "sorrybutiamsobusyidonthavetimetousepunctuationspacingorcapitalization."  That keeps the Grammar Geeks at bay.  Of course, it takes a long time to type all of that out at the end of each email, so there may not be much time saved.  After an intensive time management study we should have some answers to that pressing question, stay tuned.

It is no secret Friday is everybodies favorite day, here at Life Explained.  But, this is a particularly good Friday.  My wife gave me a coupon for a free dark roast coffee at Dunkin Donuts, that's right, free!  And it was great, that's right, Great!  I saved $1.70 (count 'em one hundred and seventy)!  Plus, when I got out of the car there was a nickel laying there, heads up (long time friend, Ryan, explained that if you find a coin laying heads down you had to turn it over so it is heads up, then it would be safe to pocket, that sounds reasonable to us, but I was saved all of that extra labor, this one was already heads up).  That makes for a tidy profit of $1.75 today (count 'em one hundred and seventy five large, or at least medium).

As if that were not enough (to recap, Friday, and a tidy profit of $1.75, before I even got to work) when I started the car this song was playing.  One of my favorite rock and roll songs of all time.  It makes want to tell "fat Jack to jump back and give me a shot of some booze"

Plus, we have officially launched the New Life Explained Greeting Card Division, suitable for any occasion.  Order yours now, before everybody, everywhere already has one.  That would be so embarrassing.
Front of Card
Inside of Card

Remember "Vote For Dr. Dawg, it is your only hope."

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